We can be more than a wife and a mom. We have an amazing opportunity if we just simply change our perspective and learn to be intentional with this one thing…
Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.
Proverbs 31:28

I love this bible verse. When I read it, it screams out LIFE GOALS all day long. When I close my eyes to picture what this woman looks like, I see a very loving, caring, helpful and graceful woman of God but most importantly I see someone who is genuinely devoted to God and her family. She is their #1 SUPPORTER.
You don’t have to be a Jesus follower to understand and relate to that verse.
So, what is this “amazing opportunity” I mentioned in the title?
We all have families in different stages of life. My life consists of sports, after school activities, church, work, adventures and so on. Multiply that by the number of people in your home and that equals busy schedules and organized chaos.

Oh! and did I mention my hard-working husband who is trying to pursue his dreams of becoming an entrepreneur but also works a full time?
This is my life as well as most of yours. It is so easy to get tired of always doing for others and feeling like a taxi driver every single day.
That’s how I was starting to feel.
I felt like I had no “me time” and I only existed to accommodate the needs of others. Wait… isn’t that what were supposed to do?
YES! In a round about way it is. However, there is another word for it that is more intentional and lovely.
That word my friend is SUPPORT.
Take one minute right now to think about your current family dynamic.
How does it make you feel?
What is your attitude like?
Now if you read this scripture again.
Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.
Proverbs 31:28
Are you able to use this to change your perspective and see yourself not as that taxi driver but as a mom who is available to support all of the amazing things your children are involved in?
Because of YOU, they can dream big.
Because of THE opportunity YOU provide, your kids can live THEIR life not limited to your circumstances. Because of YOU, your husband is able to feel competent at whatever he is in the process of achieving so his family can live a life he has only dreamed and prayed for.
Can you see what could happen when you mentally change how you see yourself in the eyes of your family?
It feels my heart with so much joy and literally brings tears to my eyes knowing if I see my life as a supportive role to my family, they are able to strive and their opportunities will be endless.
Empty your cup momma
Please don’t mistaken what I’m saying. As moms, we can have personal goals as well. In fact, we need to! We need to take care of ourselves and have “me time” and often.
Our family needs us to. We need to have time to empty our cups so it can be filled. By emptying your own cup (stress, weariness, monotony) you are making room for your family.

God has made you the mommy to your sweet kids for a reason.
You fell in love with that hot husband of yours and promised to love, respect and support him.
Nothing done by God is an accident.
He has total control of your past, present and future.
Give your family to him. Pray for them. The power of a praying wife/mother is so powerful.
If you find yourself tired and getting weary, give it to God. Empty your cup.
You only have 18 summers with your kids, and then they are gone. Think ahead to that moment. It will be a time full of tears but it will also be a day YOU can say “I know I did everything I could do for my them”, and that my friend will be an intentional life.
Thank you for sharing! My employer is making me come back to full time but I know that is not the best decision for my family, so I am struggling right now! I’m also trying to support my husband as he finishes his PhD!
ooof..that whole “you only have 18 summers left and then they are gone” got me! I agree that you have to empty your cup to continue to fill it. That makes so much sense. I never thought of it that way because I was too busy focusing on the whole fill your cup thing. But there needs to be give and take and it makes me feel better to give more then take.
I needed this reminder. Emptying my cup! xoxo
This is a great message moms need to hear! Keep doing what you’re doing and writing about this.
What a sweet post. I really needed this reminder.
Thank you for reading!!
Loved reading this post. I grew up in a big family and always kept myself busy with being involved in church , full time job . And when I got married and had my first baby I wasn’t used to things being so quiet. And I would always ask myself God what is Your Will for me ? And one day I was listening to a radio station and they were saying how stay at home moms have a huge roll to teach their children about Christ. And it totally hit me, us moms have a HUGE responsibility on society and raising Godly children.
I really enjoyed the Christian aspect to this post to help remind me who I am as a momma in God!
HI Shayla! Im so glad to hear you enjoyed the perspective of this article. Thank you for reading and commenting!
This is beautiful! You’re doing great work, and this is the absolute truth!
Thank you so much Lisa for the encouragement. As a blogger, its a little scary posting “opinions” about parenting. I know not everyone will agree but I am so glad you were able to appreciate it.
Thank you! This is truly inspiring! 🙂
Thank you for reading and commenting. Its great to know you were inspired!
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