If Covid19 was a person, I would punch it in the face at this point. I’m not promoting physical violence but I am just expressing how much it sucks. If you have a high school student looking forward to their last chance to go to prom or an 8th grader excited about their 8th-grade dance, or even elementary school-aged kids excited about their end of the year party, you feel exactly what I am saying! We can remember how we felt when we got the email blast that prom was canceled. My heart broke for kids I didn’t even know. I found a good prom alternative!

Regardless of the situation outside of our four walls, we have to get creative and find a way to continue to create memories and make the best out of this situation.
This is more than just prom guys. We are teaching a very important and valuable lesson for our young adults. We are showing them that noting can still out joy. Nothing can come between our family. Nothing can keep us from finding a way. Literally see it as a way to PUNCH COVID19 IN THE FACE!
We can be discouraged and throw pity parties or we can throw an actual party! Who’s is with me? This might sound silly to some. Our kids might laugh at us for this idea but trust me, they secretly want this.
Last night I was sitting in my favorite comfy chair, drinking my Chaga tea and looking at my Facebook feed. I noticed many posts from moms expressing their sadness because they won’t have the chance to watch their children experience prom. Teenage girls won’t have the chance to go dress shopping, have their crush ring the doorbell holding flowers and make memories with their besties as they dance the night away. They won’t have pictures to post on social media with #prom2020. Our young men won’t know what it is like to have girls giggling and getting so excited to see them.
As I was thinking of all of the sadness that comes with how Covid19 has totally ruined the rest of their school year as well as graduation, I had an idea to do the best prom for my kids at home! I have a young man who is a senior and a teenage girl in the 8th grade. They deserve to have this moment still.
I literally got out my handy-dandy notebook and started planning it all out. I wanted to share my idea so others can also make lasting memories with their children, punch Covid19 in the face and make the best out of what we are dealing with.
Here are my plans for the best prom of 2020 at home!
Pick a date!
April 25th! Why? No reason… I opened my planner and noticed my calendar was completely blank and picked the last Saturday of this month. I wanted to have time to get everyone excited. I want them to anticipate this night just as they would their legit prom night.
I want to encourage you to have it on April 25th as well. We can make it a social media prom! We can use #prom2020athome and post pictures of our amazing night.
Make signs and put up reminders all over the house
Remember in high school when there was an event or something important going on, there were signs everywhere! Theses signs were on big white poster boards and handwritten with big colorful bubble letters. DO THIS! Make this a family activity and everyone make a poster and post them all over the house.
Preplanning for parents
Parents, this will take some planning on your part. Dads, this includes you as well. You need to get together with your kids and talk about how you want this prom to look. You can even make a theme if you want.
Start with dinner. What will you make? If you have kids who are not participating in the prom experience, maybe they can be in charge of serving dinner and being your server. You might want to take advantage of takeout services from restaurants to make it easy and special.
Outfits. What will you all wear? I’m sure you can find something in your closets to wear for this occasion. You don’t need to buy anything new. If you do, you can take advantage of Amazon. They have literally everything you need. I will add some ideas at the bottom of this post so you can easily purchase whatever you need.
DIY corsages: Pinterest has such cute DIY corsages you can make. You need to make a wristlet for each girl (including mommy) and boutonniere each boy (including daddy).
- For the wristlet, you can go outside and pick real flowers and greenery or you can use fake flowers. If you can, use flowers that go with the dress. I personally like the fake flower option because you can save them forever.
Here is an example of using artificial flowers to make a wristlet:
- For the boutonniere, you can use fake or real flowers. Use the main color or an accent color from the girl’s dress.
Here is a step by step on how to make one.
I would recommend getting just a bundle of artificial flower bouquet. You can make everyone’s out of it and it also has greenery.
Here is what I am getting from Amazon. All of this comes out to be around $20 and you can make everyone’s courage.
If you like these ideas, feel free to order. The link below the images will take you directly to Amazon. Just throw each item in the cart separately. You might have to go back and forth from Amazon to this post but it will be worth it?
I would recommend getting a couple of the bouquets so you can use the extra as decor.
Make Decorations: You can do as little or as much as you want. I would recommend a nice table setting, backdrop or area for pictures and some decorations where the dancing will take place.
For the picture backdrop, you can use your fireplace or any area like that around your house. You can add balloons and a banner.
I loved this banner form Amazon. You can add a few balloons in the colors of your choice!

I love love balloon clusters! You can be as extra as you want to be! Or you can just do a few in each color. Then hang the Prom 2020 banner in the center. The balloons and banner can be found on Amazon for less than $20.
For your dinner table, again simple is better. We are using rose gold soI am using this $9 rose gold table runner, mason jars with fake flowers and white plates. I have mason jars laying around the house so I will use them. If you don’t have mason jars, you can save your spaghetti jars and sue them.
Create a playlist. Come together as a family and create a playlist full of music everyone enjoys. Have everyone pick a song to dance to with their prom date. This can be a sweet surprise that they chose. Ask your son or daughter if they want to play a special song for a daddy-daughter dance or mom and son dance. That can be played on the spot the night of. Parents, do the same. Think of a song that speaks to your heart about your children and you can slow dance to.
The day of… Use the first part of the day setting up and decorating. If it is a beautiful day, have prom outside! Add Christmas lights even.
As it gets closer, have everyone spend time getting ready and look as nice as you possibly can. Go all out and be extra! Set a start time.
At 6 pm, dads, go to your daughter’s room and knock on her door. When she answers it, show her what it’s like to be adored and respected by a male. Tell her she is lovely, give her a hug and put on her wristlet. Let her put on your corsages. Have someone take pictures of this moment. Take her arm and walk her downstairs to the table. Do all of the things you expect a respectful young man to do for her. Pull out her chair, sit with her and ask her about things shes interested in.
Moms, be in your room waiting for your son to knock on your bedroom door to do the same. This might require a father-son conversation prior so he knows what to do. Use this as an opportunity to show him how to be a true gentleman.
Sidenote, moms, don’t come out of the room with your boobs and cleavage hanging all out.
Parents, use this time to show your children how they should be treated so they know that feeling. That way if someone treats them less, a red flag will go off and they will know they can be treated better.
If you have other children, they can participate or you can give them a specific job to do that night. They can serve food, DJ, take photos, etc. Just remember, this is a special occasion for the kids who are actually anticipating this. Try to keep the focus on that child. If everyone dresses up and gets treated like a king or queen, it won’t feel as special for them.
After dinner, have fun and dance the night away! Make sure the furniture is cleared out of the room prior to the event. Laugh, take pictures, have fun and just be there in that moment. Really be intentional and make memories together.
At the end of the night, you can crown your guest of honor as prom king and/or queen. Make a special speech about them and tell them how proud you are of all they accomplished during their time as a student.
When prom is over, dads walk your little girl back to her room and tell her good night. Your son will do the same with mom.
I know this isn’t what their prom would be like but it’s the thought that counts. I would love to see your prom pictures. Please post them on our Facebook page and #prom2020athome.
These are awesome! I most especially love what you said, that it’s not just prom or that dance or whatever. You’re teaching them that you have a choice of seeing the good in things and making the best of it, or wallowing. Awesome post!
Awesome! Thank you for reading!
Great article! I love the balloons round the fireplace!
Awesome! Thank you for reading!
This is such a great idea! I agree its all about your attitude and choosing to find the joy regardless of the situation. Thank you for sharing this!
Such a great idea.
I may have to implement something similar for my daughter’s grade 6 grad
This is such a good idea! I find it so sad that many people are going to miss out on their own proms so I love that this is a way that they can keep it.
Awesome idea!
I really love this idea! Incredible memories can still be made because we are resilient.
I’m a senior in high school right now and I think this is a good idea and your intentions are in the right place, but also I think if my parents were to do this for me I would just feel worse. For me, I was looking forward to a prom night as one last night to have fun and dance with my friends, or to finally get the courage to ask my crush to go with me. I think instead what would make me happy is for my parent to allow me to have 2-3 of my friends over when the regulations get a little less strict and let us have get together and take pictures and eat or dance or let me have a date over, have the rest of the family leave the house for a couple hours and let us have dinner and dance