Being inside for a long period of time is not good for you physically, mentally or even socially. As the situation outside becomes more intense, we stay indoors unable to go anywhere and disconnected from other people. Isolation can trigger cabin fever. The key is staying ahead of it because cabin fever is real and not fun.
Cabin fever is just a phrase we use when we are stuck indoors. Even though cabin fever isn’t a medical diagnosis, there are symptoms associated with it. If cabin fever is ignored, it can lead to some negative effects and frustrations.

Negative effects of cabin fever:
The main reason we experience true cabin fever is that it isolates us from people. This is even true for people who are also stuck inside with other people. That can sometimes make it worse because there is a lack of personal space.
These include:
- Irritability
- Restlessness
- Boredom
- Sleepiness
- Depression
Winter is one thing. Its cold outside and those conditions make it unbearable to do anything. This season lasts about two months then we can welcome springtime with open arms.
The tricky thing right now with covid19 is that we have already been inside most of the winter and we are ready for the warmer weather so we can enjoy outdoor activities again. Now we have to stay indoors a few more weeks!
I think we have such a hard time being isolated from society because spending time with people is extremely important for our health. I have been paying close attention to social health lately and how it can affect your health. We were made for personal relationships with others. Our brains are wired to receive stimulation from other people.
Being isolated and bored can lead to unhealthy habits over a long period of time. This is why we need to prepare for this. We need to deal with what is causing cabin fever… boredom, monotony, and lack of socialization. If you are a parent, this is extremely important. We need to keep ourselves balanced and healthy so we don’t lash out on our children.
Here are a few ideas you can try so you can prevent cabin fever:
Stay Busy: This is a great time to get all of the things done that you have been putting off. Make a list of these things and gradually work on checking them off. Take them off of your plate so when the time to go outside comes, you will be able to run out of the front door!
Switching up your routine: Being inside gets monotonous if you keep the same schedule every single day. Wake up, read, work, clean, cook, and go to bed only to wake up the next morning and do the same thing. It’s like the movie Groundhogs Day. Try switching up your routine each week and incorporate something new each day. However, keeping the same sleeping and eating patterns is important. Set a bedtime and a morning alarm for you and everyone in the house. This will make the transition easy when the time to get back to normal life comes.
Get a new hobby: This is a great time to do that “thing” you have always wanted to try. There are many indoor hobbies you can try. If you are with people, have them join you! You can learn a new language, yoga, knit, write a book, paint or whatever you can find to do around your home.
Grab a good book: There is nothing like cuddling up in your favorite chair with a cup of coffee or hot tea while reading a good book. Reading books, in general, can benefit you in many ways. It can relieve stress, makes you smarter, relieves loneliness and helps you to connect mentally.
Home Improvement projects: When inside for a long period of time, you might as well take care of things you have been avoiding around the house. You can organize your pantry, do some spring cleaning, put a fresh coat of paint on this or that, or whatever is on that honey-do list.
Here are some things to do indoors with your family:
Puzzles and Games: Grab a puzzle or a game and sit down at the table and spend time talking and working together.
Movies: Family movie nights are always the best. Grab a bowl of popcorn and get comfy. You can do this often because there are plenty of movies on Netflix or Disney Plus that the whole family will enjoy.
Crafting project: DIY crafting projects are a great way to bring your family together. All it take is looking at Pinterest for some family DIY projects such as painting, paper mache, painting that dresser you have in the garage, or even getting them involved in your home improvement projects.
Redecorating: This is the perfect time to get the kids to go through their room and get rid of stuff and redecorate! This is easy for the kids to do and a good way to get in a little bonding time while cleaning. WIN-WIN!
Exercise: Finding a family workout video on youtube will be important during this time. Getting your body moving and increasing your heart rate will be beneficial for your health mentally and physically.

Most of all, remind yourself that this is only temporary, this too shall end and focus on the positive. Keep in mind why you are inside. It isn’t a punishment. It is meant to help you and keep you safe.
Definitely need these tips right now with two toddlers and a crabby husband working from home due to coronavirus LOL
I understand that. My husband and I always work from home but now we have 3 kids to homeschool as well. Best of luck to you guys!
This is such a good article for today. I think Mums need to make the most of this time and enjoy spending some quality time with the kids. It’s so hard when you have to work from home, especially if we’re going to be juggling the kids learning from home too. As a professional house-bound mummy I’ve got past the mum guilt of not doing enough or being snappy with them but it takes time. I think parents are going to have to put themselves in a forgiving mind because I imagine most are going to lose patience. But with a positive mindset we grow stronger through this time! Just don’t be too hard on yourselves! Thanks for this great article.
Hi Lauren! Great points you made! Everything starts with mindest!
Great list. I love these ideas!
We stay home a good bit as it is. We homeschool, I run my business from home, my husband runs a business from home, I feel like we’ve been training for this since our kid was born lol. BUT I shared this with some of my friends who are going stir crazy after only 1 full day of being home 🙂 Great list!
This is very helpful. No matter what I try to at least take a walk with my daughter every afternoon. Just to make sure she’s still getting fresh air and sunlight. Thanks for sharing.
Super helpful! We’ve been self quarantining and I’m definitely getting cabin fever! Definitely been breaking out the art, books, and movies! Thanks for sharing!
Getting Outdoors is so important!
I couldn’t have read this at a better time. Our first two days home went perfectly and today the wheels fell off. Your tips reminded me to shake up the schedule to prevent boredom.
This is perfect especially during the coronavirus quarentine. Here it’s going to last til May 1st or longer! Great tips.
This is a great list of ideas! I’m going on week three and am starting to feel those stir crazy vibes. Even though it’s been great having more time for my art, the routine is starting to feel a bit stale. This weekend not fiance and I are going to try our hands at resin pouring!
Getting outdoors every day despite weather has been so helpful for my
This is super helpful! I’ve had major cabin fever after having my babies and being stuck inside so much so I can definitely relate to this! Such great tips to help curb that feeling!
We’ve definitely been getting some cabin fever over here! Trying to still take walks, have indoor dance parties, and keep busy with books movies and activities! Thanks for sharing!
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This lockdown has given me bit of cabin fever .. I don’t really go out that often but still found it so suffocating..
These tips on spending time with family is the only thing that made me smile in these times.
Thanks for sharing : )