I don’t know about you but watching your baby grow up is bitter-sweet. You want her to stay little but at the same time, you are so excited to watch her grow up to see where life takes her. I wanted to give the best advice for mothers with teenage daughters and suggest ways so you can stay connected through these years.
I decided to write this open letter to my teenage daughter.
I hope you can relate in some way.

Dear sweet girl,
I see you becoming a young lady yet remaining so innocent and sweet. I remember holding you in my arms when you were born. It seems like yesterday but in reality, it was almost 14 years ago.

So much has happened within those years but one thing is for certain, you are truly amazing and beautiful in every way.
Everything about you makes me smile. Your heart is so strong yet delicate and tender. I pray every night that God keeps it that way.
Dear God, please guard her heart and protect it from the bad intentions of others. Help her to see herself the way you see her.
I know you like the idea of having a boyfriend because you have asked us for permission. Thank you for that. Thank you for coming to us instead of keeping a secret. We said no and I am so sorry but the truth is, your heart isn’t ready. One day it will be and the time will come but right now isn’t that time.
God is still in the process of introducing you to yourself. Be patient sweet girl, he will come one day. When that time comes, I want you to ask yourself these questions before you open your heart to him.
Is he patient, kind, encouraging, hard-working and in love with God. Does he treat you like daddy treats me?
I know you have seen it. The way he loves me and puts my needs first. The way he works so hard for our family. The way he prays for us and strives to be a man after Gods heart.
You can see it in his eyes and in his actions. This is what I want for you.
I prayed for God to send me someone that would love me and my children as his own. He sent me Ryan. No one else on this earth would have been more perfect for us.
Do you see the way he adores you? You are his little princess. He will let no harm come to you and never will. You are beautiful in his eyes. His love for you is radiant and overwhelming. That’s what you deserve and nothing less.
You deserve someone that will treat you the way you should be treated. You will! In due time.
Middle school! The thought of that was scary for me. You did amazing! I should have known you would. I should have trusted you from the beginning. I should have known you would choose the right friends and walk away from the wrong ones. It was confusing and complicated at times. That’s because everything was so new. But I want you to know I am so proud of you for walking through those doors ready to stand firm and be YOU on purpose.
I can see you in the future…
In high school always striving to do your best. You will be at every social activity and a part of the main events.
I can picture your graduation, and we are so proud. Tears are flowing down my face while you walk across the stage. This is the beginning of a new chapter in your life.
You can do anything and everything you want because that’s who you are and have always been. You are so determined and persistent. The world is yours at this very moment, my sweet girl.
What will you do? Who will you become? Those are still unknown but I do know God has an amazing life planned for you. Keep looking to him and he WILL guide you and lead you to a life full of anything you could have ever imagined and more.
Take your time. Enjoy these years. Focus. Study. Find yourself. Create. Conquer. Pray.
Four years will soon be gone and you’re off to this big, amazing but somethings scary world. But do not be afraid for God is with you and we are here for you.
You will one day be the most gorgeous bride there ever was and you will finally marry that man we prayed for.
One day you too will be a mommy. I can already see how much you love your kids. You are so patient and so gentle. You love with everything you have inside of you. You finally understand just how much a mother can love her children.
Be intentional with them. Spend time with them. Teach them how to be amazing just like you are. Daddy and I are so very proud of you.
Because I am your mommy, It makes me look closely at myself. I want to be a positive reflection of what a mommy and a wife should be because I know you are watching.
I’m not always perfect and I miss small opportunities to show love but you give me so much grace and forgiveness.
The way you see me makes me feel like I am the best mommy in the world. I especially love it when we go back and forth trying to convince one another “I love you more”.
It’s because of you I can be the best mommy I can be because you make it so easy for me. I know you will find your own way in life and always continue to be you.
You will be amazing in all that you do. You, my sweet girl, are and always will be more than enough.
Bounding Together
A bond between a mother and a daughter can be like a roller coaster. Moms, I know it is hard when we want to feel connected to our growing girls.

I don’t know the dynamic of the relationship you have with your daughter. I only hope there is one. If for whatever reason it is estranged, reach out and let her know you are there when she is ready. Our daughters need us for so many reasons (even if they deny it).
These are little reminders that will let her know you love her and you are there for her. You will find something for all ages and ways to keep your relationship close even when you feel most distant.
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Activity Journal for Teen Girls and Moms, Diary for Tween Girls

“This journal is such a nice way for moms to strengthen the bonds with their daughters”-People Magazine
Start the journal off by writing your very own open letter to your daughter. Who knows, maybe she will do the same (wink wink).
Ceramic Ring and Jewelry Dish

I love this simple little gift that says “hey, I love you”. She will see it every morning when she puts on her earrings and knows that you love her no matter what.
My Dear Daughter Burlap Throw Pillow

The words on this pillow are so sweet. Get this pillow for your little girl and make it a habit to say it together every night before she goes to bed. Make this a special moment no matter how old she is.
Mother & Daughter Necklaces

This is the perfect way to show your daughter that you are always connected no matter where you are physically or mentally.
I want to give photo credits to Naomi Hopkins Photography for the beautiful picture of me and my daughter. Find her work at https://www.naomihopkinsphotography.com/
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It’s Your Turn!
How do you stay connected with your daughter? Comment below and share your secrets with us.
Aww my heart! This is beautiful and has me really thinking about all these moments as my girls grow up!!!
What a beautiful letter to your daughter! I have three daughters and pray that each remains confident as they grow into adulthood.
This is so nice. I have all boys, but we also use a similar journal to help with bonding.
Thank you Mamie! Im so glad to hear you staying connected with your boys. I have 2 boys as well!
This gave me all the feels. Thank you.
Such precious words! I wish my mother had shared something like that with me when I was 14.
This is a great primer. Saving for later in case I have a daughter. 🙂 Thanks for sharing.
This is such a sweet idea!
This is beyond sweet. I almost couldn’t read it because my heart hurts deeply because I’ve never experienced a mother-daughter relationship as my dad had to raise me. And now I have three crazy little boys. This is so beyond precious you get to share this and have this experience. I love how you realize this. All the gifts are a fun little bonus too!
This is the sweetest post I have read ever. I never had the chance to really bond with my mother. She was taken from at a young age so I was raised by my father. I absolutely love hearing these stories and thinking of what we may have had.
Awe Ashley. I am so sorry to hear that. I was raised by my dad for a large portion of my childhood as well. Thank you for your sweet comment.
I’ve Ben thinking about starting a journal for my daughter so I can write to her and give her advice. Love this idea 💕
Such a great note!! Time flies when you are having fun, so enjoy those moments because they won’t last forever.
It felt like my mom explaining the exact same things to me when I was a teenager. You have beautiful daughters and they are lucky to have you. Your family values resonated so much with my own, I almost time traveled to the past!
Thank you for that sweet comment. Thanks for reading!
It’s been many years since my girls were teenagers but the sentiments were the same. Very beautiful article.