Welcome To Optimized Life!
We are a health and wellness blog that provides the information and resources you need to achieve optimal health and wellness so you can live your healthiest and best life possible. Take a look around and see who we are and why we are passionate about this community.

So, what is this community all about?
WE ARE SO GLAD YOU ASKED! This community was intentionally created to provide the resources you need to achieve and maintain optimal health. Here at Optimized Life, we wanted to create a place for you to share and receive information on how to live your healthiest and best life possible. Our hope is to give you the tools you can use to modify your quality of life while encouraging you to make small changes to optimize your health.
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About Our Articles:Disclosure…This website is about to become your favorite placeto get advice on “All Things Important” so go ahead and save it to your browser now!
Smart About Supplements
- Collagen Protein
- Multivitamins
- Probiotics
- C60
- Vitamin D
- Methylfolate
- MCT Oil
- Anti-inflammatory
Read Articles About Supplements
Optimal Health & Living
- Overall Health
- Heart Health
- Dental Health
- Sleep Optimization
- Gut Health
- Brain Health
- Dieting For Health
- Smart Technology
- Healthy Mindset
- Healthy Recipies
Read Articles About Optimal Health & Living
Building Healthy Relationships
- Relationships
- Marriage
- Parenting
Read Articles About Building Healthy Relationships
Here Are A Few Of Our Most Popular Articles!
- Best Virtual Learning Agendas For Kids!
- Best Face Masks For Back To School Your Teen Will Love!
- [7 Simple Ways To] Understanding the MTHFR Mutation
- 2020 Top Kids Summer “Must-Haves” To Optimize Their Life (And Yours)
- For Husbands Only! Ultimate Guide On Giving Your Wife What She Really Needs…
Meet The Optimized Life Team:
Todd Dickerson

Hey guys! I am Todd and I am the founder of Optimized Life. My friends and family would say I “geek out” about a few things and wellness are defiantly one of them. I created this company as a way to spread awareness of how much our lifestyle impacts our quality of life both positive and negative. I personally take most of the products we recommend in our blogs. I make it a priority to only use and suggest companies that are legit, safe and make the best supplements on the market. Thank you for stopping by and taking a look!
Sandra Tanner

Hi! I am Sandra! I am really passionate about sharing my journey and what I have learned along the way. My personal goal is to be intentional every day and offer advice that could help others do the same. I wasn’t always like this. In fact, I let my busy life impact my health in many ways until one day I realized I needed to make a change and fast! I made it my mission as a wife and a mom to not only change the way I live but to do the same for my family. I enjoy learning everything I can about health, wellness, and supplements that work! My journey is only half over but I am happy about the progress I have made and I am excited to see what is next.

YES, YOU! Because you are here, we can raise awareness and encourage others to make small lifestyle changes that will not only impact their lives but their families as well. So, continue to share your journey with us. People need to know that they are not the only one suffering or having a hard time. We need to share our stories and knowledge so we can reach more people that want to live their healthiest and best life possible.
Optimized Life On Social Media
Don’t miss out on all of our exciting new content posted on our social media platforms daily!

- Marriage Monday
- Tasty Tuesday
- Wellness Wednesday
- Parenting Together Thursday
- Fun Friday
Join Optimized Life’s Free Community!
Let me ask you this very important question…
If You Were To Make One Small Change To Improve Your Health Today, What Would It Be?
What is keeping you from making it?
There are so many things in life that cause us to worry but our health shouldn’t be one of them.
In order to make that a reality, you need to do it before it is too late.
YOU deserve to live YOUR healthiest and best life possible TODAY!
That is where Optimized Life comes in!
Here at Optimized Life, we want to create healthy families and encourage wellness communities. We are simply people who want to live our healthiest and best life possible.
Join us! All you have to do is fill out the information below.