A few weeks before each month, I like to do a little research on national holidays that are not often celebrated. I had no idea July 3rd is “unofficially” National Complement Your Mirror Day! With July 4th being the next day, we are always so busy shopping and getting ready for 4th of July celebrations.

If I am being 100% transparent with you right now, I don’t always love looking into the mirror. In fact, I find myself avoiding it most of the time. If I am out shopping or at a store and I walk past a mirror, I am aware of it being there and I can see my reflection out of the corner of my eye but I keep walking past.

We can be so critical of ourselves for no reason. I love myself. I am completely confidant in who I am and who I am becoming so why do I avoid mirrors?

These are questions I have never tried to answer until now.

Again, transparency time…

If I had to answer these questions I would have to admit I am not loving my weight right now and I have let myself go just a little. I blame it on quarantine and Covid 19 and the fact that I work from home so I don’t really have a reason to get out of my PJs.

But, I shouldn’t only focus on those things. I have so many other amazing qualities and things I love about myself that I once hated.

For instance, I got picked on a lot when I was little. I had red hair, glasses, freckles and buck teeth. Going to school was dreadful at times. I had no confidence at all. I wanted a friend and a boyfriend so badly but no one would give me a chance.

Now, I love all of those things and I have a super hot and amazing husband who is attracted to me and loves the way I look.

So, this year on July 3rd, I am gong to intentionally look for mirrors and my reflection and say encouraging things to the woman looking back at me.

I am going to tell her she is brave…

I am going to let her know her butt looks amazing in her pajama pants…

I want to let he know that she is working so hard and accomplishing her goals…

I need her to hear that she is a great mother…

I want to make sure she knows that she is loved and accepted as she is…

Positive self-talk is something we should learn how to do naturally throughout our day. People are becoming more aware that this is such a powerful way to gain self-confidence and helps you get rid of the negative thinking. People who do this are more productive, influential, confident and are more successful. Believe it or not thinking positively and being more optimistic could add benefits to your health such as:

  • Longevity and Vitality
  • Improves your Immune System
  • Better Heart Health
  • Reduces Stress
  • Better Quality of Sleep

Start July 3rd and use National Complement Your Mirror Day as a way to kickstart your self-talk journey and see how it changes your life.

First thing is first

Before you can practice positive self talk, you have to get rid of the junk that has been holding you back up until now. This “junk” is around for a reason a we need to figure it out.

Junk normally falls into one of these catagories:

  • Blaming yourself for everything
  • Focusing on the negative and not trying to find the positive
  • Expecting the worst from yourself and even from people and/or situations
  • You see everything good or bad. There is no middle for you. It’s always one extreme or another.

When you can see how your negative thinking not only effects you but also can come between relationships, you can start to make changes to becoming a more positive person.

Try these things

These things don’t happen over night and they take time and intention but they make a big difference.

#1. Surround yourself with positive people. Friends and family who support each other and celebrate wins and accomplishments together. There is nothing worse to me than a friend or family member who secretly delouse and wants to see you fail. Ain’t nobody got time for that!

#2. We will have bad days and that is okay. Don’t try to hide it. If you are sad or mad, be there! But at the end of it tell yourself how things could be worse and how you did a great job handling the situation or person.

#3. Write little positive affirmations to yourself and put them in places where you will see them. This will help you stay positive throughout your day and help redirect any negative thinking.

#4. Pray everyday.

#5. Journal your positive thoughts. This is honestly something we should do daily. Here is a journal I found that will encourage you to intentionally allow you to overlook the things you do not like about yourself so you can focus on the positive.

Take A Look At This Journal On Amazon

Use this tool to help you improve your outlook on yourself and life. This could be life-changing for you. Positive self-talk could improve your overall health and wellness, attitude, and perspective. Make this a habit that you do even when you are not trying. The only way to do that is to practice.

Share this day with others. Make sure they know July 3rd is National Complement Your Mirror Day!



  1. I had no idea, July 3rd is my nieces birthday.
    Great post.
    I was picked on a lot as a child and hate looking in the mirror these days myself.

  2. I recognize it’s hard to look in the mirror myself. My husband drew my attention to the fact that it bothers me when my kids compliment my clothes or my hair because I must not believe those things myself. I’m insanely confident….as long as I don’t look in the mirror…or at pictures. I’ve started relying on Christ’s opinions of me, and the gifts He has given me, to build myself up. It’s a game changer.

  3. I find self talk to be really hard. It’s something I’m trying to work on.

  4. I love these unofficial holidays as well. July 3rd sounds like a great one to add to the calendar. I look forward to giving my mirror a little extra love!

  5. Great positive post. I’m a shocker for putting myself down when really I should be celebrating all that I am. Will try and look and talk to myself in a more positive light. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Great blog post, thanks for sharing. I like the positivity and reminder about celebrating all that I am. It’s hard sometimes when you have to balance work, life, and family.

  7. Love this! There’s lots of great tips here about self-love and self-care. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Good advice. I wont do this because its not my style or thing to do, but it seems good for others to do though.

  9. July 3rd is my birthday so I had to check this out. This is a great positive post and I am going to share it. As I’m an advanced style fashion blogger, I spend a lot of time looking in the mirror so know about every wrinkle and crinkle on my face. Take care. Terri

  10. Oh wow I had no clue! I’ll def be celebrating with you, I need some encouragement and who better to give it than myself. I usually avoid mirrors, especially when I’m home all day with my kids. Glad I’m not the only one. I’ll be more intentional about it! Thank you for this ♥️

  11. Great thoughts! I find myself by passing the mirror all the time. I will think of this post every time I walk past one now though!

  12. I am still in the process of learning to love myself unconditionally. I used to be so critical of myself and would allow people to tell me how I should be to please them. Now I am working on renewing my mind to look at myself a little different with positive affirmations and positive journaling. Thanks for sharing xxx

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